La Tempesta

The project on giants was born in 2022 on the occasion of the creation of a large painting (300x200 cm) entitled “La terra dei giganti” (Land of giants) and exhibited during the third edition of Oscillazioni festival.

The giant is here an allegorical representation of man on a personal and emotional level; his ego, his strength and, at the same time, his clumsiness; the difficulty of relating to others and moving in his own context without causing collateral damage. Strength becomes an obstacle and places man in the challenge of overcoming his own difficulties through care for others.

Also in the same year, during the festival's hospitality, a series of site-specific works called “L’invasione dei giganti a Pontremoli” followed, made with wax crayons on black and white prints, in which the presence of giants in Pontremoli is imagined.
A foot more than 10 meters long is drawn on the pedestrian area next to the river simulating the footprint of a giant.

In 2023 follows "La Tempesta" (The Storm), on the occasion of the fourth edition of Oscillazioni. A project that combines painting with a site specific installation at Palazzo Damiani in Pontremoli.

The painting (acrylic on canvas, 250x200 cm) recalls a climatic event cited and narrated in religions and folklore traditions throughout different cultures. It tells that most of humanity then alive was wiped out from the earth. Even the giants, expert navigators and raiders, soon had to realize that however great and superior they felt, they were nothing compared to the force of nature.

Arrogance and presumption got the worst of it and “the giants who thought they were giants” succumbed against a storm that saw them as small.

The installation, inserted in the courtyard of the Palace, represents the top of the mast to which their flag was tied, which, due to the flames that developed on board together with the pressure of the wind, was broken and dragged it away in the storm.

The top of the mast (750 cm) together with the flag (300x500 cm) places the viewer in front of a known but out-of-scale object. Its size suggests what sense of proportion could have belonged to the giants and at the same time inspires the observer who sees his own size reduced when faced with an object of this size. The adult returns to see from the child's point of view, to live the experience through a magical, archaic and mysterious feeling, beyond which he has no strength and no power, but only the possibility of learning and understanding.